Membership Information This page
We publish annually two newsletters with about 40 pages per issue.
Committees also provide opportunities for members to volunteer for short term or ongoing projects. Let one of the members of the Board of Directors know if you are interested.
Audio-Visual Committee - The chair is responsible for the audio-visual and communications equipment.
Communications Committee is responsible for internal and external communications about the activities of the Society.
Grey County Historian Editor - The editor solicits information and articles, edits the material and prepares it for printing.
Hospitality - The chair is responsible for scheduling members to greet guests and newcomers at Society functions; making them feel welcome and introducing them to others.
Library and Book Sales - The chair keeps the Society library and brings samples to meetings for purchase or examination.
Membership - The Chair keeps a record of all current members' addresses, telephone and e-mail numbers.
Program - The chair is responsible for scheduling programs that offer a variety of topics and venues that promote and kindle interest in the history of Grey County.
Refreshments -- The chair is responsible for the refreshments during the social time at meetings and looks after the supplies.
Special Committees - Special committees will be formed as needed for special events or project, e.g. logo committee, web site committee, Nellie McClung Plaque Rededication committee, or fundraising committees.
Webmaster - The webmaster is responsible for the Society's web site and blog.
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